
The reports and publications in this section cover a wide variety of topics linked to the priorities of the Think2030 platform. Their authors are experts in environment and sustainability from IEEP, the Think Sustainable Europe network and other partners of Think2030.

Clean Industrial Deal, COP29 and beyond: integrating competitiveness and climate commitments

Think2030 policy brief

Just transition: aligning climate and environmental action with social equity and well-being

Think2030 policy brief

Towards sustainable management of material resources in the EU

Think2030 policy brief

Just transition: aligning climate and environmental action with social equity and well-being

Think2030 policy brief

Reaching climate neutrality in agri-food: identifying the right policy mix

Think2030 policy brief

Making adaptation and resilience a priority in nature

Think2030 policy brief

Ensuring the resilience of the EGD

Think2030 policy brief

Just Transition in Europe and lessons learned from the Spanish experience

Think2030 policy brief

Science for policy – How to engage with policy makers

Think2030 policy brief

Just Transition in Europe and lessons learned from the Spanish experience

Think2030 policy brief

The role of the EU in governing the geopolitics of the Net-Zero transition

Think2030 policy brief

Key sustainability policy actions for the Spanish Presidency

Policy analysis

European Green Deal Barometer Edition 2023


Towards a green industrial transition: strategic opportunities for the EU

Think2030 policy brief

European Green Deal until 2024 and beyond: which vision and priorities?

Think2030 policy brief

Solving the energy crisis for EU households: from short-term fixes to long term solutions

Think2030 policy brief

How to handle climate security and trade in times of multiple crises

Think2030 policy brief

State of the EU CBAM after the French presidency: A reality check

Think2030 policy brief

Delivering climate targets: How can EU policy support a just transition?

Think2030 policy brief

Towards a transformative Sustainable Food Systems Legislative Framework

Think2030 policy brief

Restoring EU ecosystems: Recommendations for the successful implementation of the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law

Think2030 policy brief

European Green Deal Barometer Edition 2022

Picking up on the numerous ongoing negotiations on Green Deal files in the legislative procedure, as well as the impact of the war in Ukraine and the energy price hike, the Barometer paints a picture of the Green Deal as it currently stands.

European Green Deal Barometer Edition 2021

This report by the Institute for European Environmental Policy and GlobeScan identifies the challenges to the European Green Deal’s implementation and provides policy recommendations for addressing them. 

A low-carbon and circular industry for Europe

This paper looks at the opportunities for the circular economy to reduce the EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with three of its most carbon-intensive sectors: the built environment, mobility, and food, and makes recommendations for policies within the 2030 time horizon and beyond.

Implementing the European Green Deal at local level: Lessons on the role of cities in Poland in planning climate policy

This paper draws lessons from cities in Poland about how they have implemented their climate policy planning to date and shows that unlocking the potential for climate mitigation and adaptation in cities may be a useful avenue for progress in countries whose governments are less committed to climate action.

Delivering a sustainable, durable and inclusive recovery for Europe

This paper takes the scientific, environmental and health arguments in favour of a green recovery and achieving climate neutrality by mid-century as a given, with the aim of focusing primarily on the additional economic and employment arguments that support the development of a recovery strategy that is aligned with the EU’s climate and environmental goals.

Future generations and intergenerational equity

This paper argues that the measures provisioned within the European Green Deal and the recovery plans must thoroughly consider their imminent and potential long- term impacts and reflect on the stakes of the future generations. In the short-term, this can be addressed by meaningfully engaging and letting youth take an active role in decision-making processes.

European agriculture in a new paradigm: Can global challenges like climate change be addressed through a farm to fork approach?

This updated Think2030 paper looks back at the recommendations on EU agriculture and food policy made in 2018, to see whether they are still relevant today, if they have been addressed, and where greater coherence in policy development is still needed.

Using nature-based solutions to foster synergies between biodiversity and climate

This paper argues that the measures provisioned within the European Green Deal and the recovery plans must thoroughly consider their imminent and potential long- term impacts and reflect on the stakes of the future generations. In the short-term, this can be addressed by meaningfully engaging and letting youth take an active role in decision-making processes.

European agriculture in a new paradigm: Can global challenges like climate change be addressed through a farm to fork approach?

This updated Think2030 paper looks back at the recommendations on EU agriculture and food policy made in 2018, to see whether they are still relevant today, if they have been addressed, and where greater coherence in policy development is still needed.

EU trade in support of a circular economy: Green recovery in the aftermath of the pandemic

This paper argues that the measures provisioned within the European Green Deal and the recovery plans must thoroughly consider their imminent and potential long- term impacts and reflect on the stakes of the future generations. In the short-term, this can be addressed by meaningfully engaging and letting youth take an active role in decision-making processes.