Event | 2024 EU Elections and beyond: Civil Society & Think Tanks on the future of environmental transition Green Deal Barometer 2024

21 May – 14.00-16.00 CET 

Watch the event recording here

With the EU 2024 elections just a little over a month away, the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) is organising a webinar on the future of the environmental transition and the next phase of the European Green Deal, especially on the relationships between the European and national policies.  

The webinar is organised in collaboration with other think tanks (Jacques Delors Centre and E3G) and civil society organisations (CAN Europe on behalf of an alliance of climate and environmental NGOs focusing on the 2024 EU elections). Speakers from these organisations will present their latest tools and analysis to evaluate the way the political parties are conceiving, communicating and producing policies related to the environmental and climate transition related to the European Green Deal (EGD). The webinar will examine how the EGD’s legislative and political framework will be shaped by a new European Parliament and a new College of Commissioners, as well as by the European Council’s strategic agenda.  

This interactive event will examine the performance of the outgoing parliamentary legislature against the EGD’s objectives, also with a sectoral approach. Then the speakers will look at the aftermath of the elections, conducting a foresight exercise on what can be expected for future EU green policy. 

During the first section, CAN Europe will present some of the key results of the EU Parliament Scoreboard, a tool looking at the voting behaviour of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) during the 2019-2024 period across key files related to climate, energy and environmental matters. This will help us understand the EP political groups’ commitment to protect Europe’s climate, nature and air quality.  

IEEP will highlight the findings of the European Green Deal Barometer, an annual expert consultation assessing the progress of the EGD’s implementation and its resilience. In particular, we will do a deep dive into some of the case studies to see the challenges 

of delivering such policies and how to strive for consensus at a national level, as well as the external impacts of the Green Deal.  

E3G will present an analysis of the European parties’ manifestos, outlining the level of priority given to climate action, and how it is coupled with other emerging issues, such as competitiveness and security. This will allow us to see how the Europarties conceive the next phase of the EU green transition. 

Jacques Delors Centre will conclude the first section with the results of a citizen survey, from the report “Debunking the Backlash – Uncovering European Voters’ Climate Preferences”, drawing some conclusions on voters’ behaviour towards more ambitious climate policy and stronger support for concrete measures to reduce emissions. 

  • Introduction by the moderator – (5’) 
  • Session I – The political landscape towards the elections (1h): 
  • 40’: presentations by speakers (10’ each) 
  • 15’: debate with participants 
  • Session II – Discussion on post-election scenario (1h) 
  • 40’: one question to each speaker by the moderator and debate among speakers 
  • 20’: debate with participants 
  • Closing remarks  

Watch the event recording here

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