A vision for delivering the European Green Deal in the new EU policy cycle

AUTHORS: Irene Chiocchetti, Mattia Bonfanti (Article first published for the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung) With the European elections just around the corner and the subsequent appointment of a new European Commission, the next phase of the European transition to climate neutrality is about to begin. This article touches upon some key topics and challenges that lie ahead in the […]
Share your views on the Green Deal Barometer progresses in our annual survey

After three successful editions, we are now working on the fourth edition of the European Green Deal Barometer together with our partners. The Barometer is IEEP’s annual publication, gathering the views of sustainability experts on the developments and progress of the Green Deal. The survey is open until mid-February.
Key sustainability policy actions for the Spanish Presidency

As the last Council’s Presidency with a full legislative mandate before the 2024 European elections, Spain has the important task of concluding several files of the European Green Deal, preventing them from being left out by the future Commission.
Event | European Green Deal Barometer launch

The European Green Deal Barometer is based on over 600 sustainability experts’ views on the progress of the Green Deal implementation, its constituent policies and the factors that may impede or accelerate the process.
Event | Nature restoration law: Mitigation of impacts and benefits for stakeholders

The Nature Restoration Law sets out binding targets to restore all degraded ecosystems in the EU by 2050, based on the evidence that nature restoration can increase ecosystem resilience, capture and store carbon, prevent and reduce the impacts of natural disasters, and provide health and economic benefits for society. How will the new regulation help […]
The Green Deal Barometer is back with its third edition

IEEP has launched the third edition of the European Green Deal Barometer. The annual survey gathers views from sustainability experts on the European Union’s progress towards implementing the European Green Deal, its constituent policies and targets, and the political trends that may impede or accelerate that process. With European elections taking place in 2024, this […]